Gangnam tops is a decorative and natural stem with a crunchy and fresh mouth feel.
The fresh taste of Gangnam Tops merges with a slightly bitter flavor reminiscent of purslane. Gangnam Tops make a tasty addition to salads or sandwiches, and combine well with a variety of ingredients such as oily fish like mackerel or herring, and vegetables such as pumpkin, fennel, beans, pulses, and potatoes.
Thanks to their mild flavor, they also pair well with red fruits in desserts. The light green color and length of Gangnam Tops make them exceptionally decorative, fitting well with today's trends of the natural look and Nordic cuisine. Gangnam Tops are truly versatile.
History of Koppert Cress:
Koppert Cress is a Dutch company that produces and sells high-quality microgreens, herbs, and edible flowers for professional chefs. The company uses hydroponic growing techniques to cultivate its products in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way. Koppert Cress products are used by many top chefs around the world to add unique flavors, textures, and colors to their dishes. The company is committed to research and development, sustainability, and social responsibility.
Discover our Fruits & Vegetables offer Classic Harvest by Classic Fine Foods. Based in Rungis we constantly search the globe for the best produce and partner with growers that are as passionate about food as we are, to offer seasonal high quality Fruits & Vegetables. Many of our products are sourced locally or from Europe.